Dead island save editor merge weapons
Dead island save editor merge weapons

When you reach a checkpoint during any campaign quest in Solo mode, drop the item(s) on the ground you want to duplicate (you can drop all the items in your inventory).

dead island save editor merge weapons

Exit out of the menu, and pick up both items. Then, choose to drop the weapon that is equipped. Select "Next Play" to start a second playthrough with all previously earned money and inventory items (blueprints, weapons, etc.). The ability to fire off salvoes of 16-inch shells and Tomahawk missiles at land targets, especially Soviet air defenses, would have been a godsend to the aircraft carriers and aircrews who would have had to fly combat missions over the Soviet Union.Successfully complete the game. In this scenario, the IAS’s real innovation - a field of 320 missile silos - would be a “must-have”. Marines in Norway, then executing the Maritime Strategy and joining the carrier fleets in attacking Soviet bases above the Arctic Circle. The IAS was a big stick for big wars - chasing down the Kirovs and other heavy Soviet surface combatants in World War III, supporting U.S. An amphibious ship could do the job or a battleship, but a compromise of both - with the inherent shortcomings of an compromise - would not have brought anything particularly compelling to the table. Among operations in the Persian Gulf, Grenada, off the coast of Lebanon and Central America, there was no operation in which the IAS was a “must-have”. In hindsight, the Interdiction Assault Ship concept might have had a difficult time fitting in with U.S. By 1992 all four ships would be decommissioned. They were again suggested in the late 1980s, but for one reason or another, mostly coming down to cost and the Cold War winding down, the Navy got cold feet. The installation of the flight deck and missile silos would have to wait. The Department of Defense and the Navy wanted the battleships reactivated as quickly as possible, and as a result they were updated for service with only a minimal baseline of improvements - the installation of Harpoon and Tomahawk missiles and the necessary fire control, Phalanx self-defense systems and RQ-2 Pioneer drones. Interdiction Assault Ship: So What Happened?Īlthough much discussed, execution of the IAS concept was delayed at least twice. Once ready, the armada of helicopters would take off, escorted by the Interdiction Assault Ship’s Harrier fighters, which would also provide close air support until Marine artillery could be landed. The hangar was estimated to be able to accommodate up to 500 Marines. The flight deck could be used as excess space to hold helicopters. Under such a concept, the IAS would become part of an air assault staging area. The Navy and Marines would use the flight deck, in conjunction with Iwo Jima-class helicopter landing ships and T arawa-class amphibious assault ships, to help manage the assault force of an airmobile assault on an enemy-held position. The six remaining 16-inch guns, backed up by the new 155-millimeter guns, could bombard land targets prior to an assault. The IAS also had a second mission: supporting Marines in an air assault landing. The ships would be an economy of force measure, allowing aircraft carriers to go about their preassigned wartime duties with minimal distraction. Embarked Harrier jump jets could also join in the fight.

dead island save editor merge weapons

The Interdiction Assault Ship (IAS) would go after the Kirovs, bombarding them with 16-inch guns and Harpoon missiles. Navy worried Kirov battlecruisers and their formidable missile armament could be used to target American aircraft carriers or devastate convoys of reinforcements headed to Europe.

dead island save editor merge weapons

The ship could interdict enemy fleets on the high seas, particularly the Soviet Navy’s Kirov-class nuclear-powered battlecruisers that were then under construction at the Leningrad shipyards. Myers called the vessel the “Interdiction Assault Ship”. Interdiction Assault Ship: The Idea Is Born This massive loadout would dwarf even the 154 Tomahawks found on today’s Ohio-class guided missile submarines. Up to 320 silos could fit in this space, supporting a mixture of Tomahawk land attack missiles, ASROC anti-submarine rockets and Standard surface-to-air missiles. In the empty space between the V would be a field of tactical missile silos such as the Mk.41. Existing five-inch gun turrets would be deleted and replaced with 155-millimeter howitzers for naval gunfire support.

Dead island save editor merge weapons